Saturday, August 22, 2009

Since there will be none of this at Coney Island this weekend....

Coney Island 1890's via Brimfield flea and Getty Video. xxx
Sara found these old images at Brimfield of swimmers at Coney Island. Look at the men in the background with their suits (not swim!) and hats. This morning I just came across a video from Coney Island as well. The video looks like it could have been shot on the same day as the picture. Getty has it marked as being from the late 1890's. The video clip is really fun, I dont think I can embed it, but it really is worth a watch!


  1. These are amazing photos and video. Thanks for posting.

  2. The male one piece is so summer 2010. Check Dries Van Noten look book.

  3. ain't no place like coney island. dancing on the boardwalk this coming weekend come one come all!
