Monday, August 3, 2009

lookin' sharp my friend.

Love this wallpaper in Vincent Darre's Paris apartment (Elle Deco Juin 2009)

Also came across designers Andrea Higgins and Mel Robson in an Issue of Vogue Living (see "Upon Reflection") The two use Victorian and Depression-era glass patterns yet in different ways. Mel uses glass platters as molds transforming the translucent into opaque, where Andrea transforms the platters' patterns into geometric, x-ray like images. I think these women make very sexy pieces. Edgy, beautiful and strong.

and more b+w...

photos: Walter Pfieffer Vogue Paris Juin-Juillet 09

1 comment:

  1. o la la tres chic...I love a lady in a swimsuit on the street with a doberman pincher.
