Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun in the Sun (but still cold in NYC!!)

...the victorian way.


  1. This does put a very chic perspective on sportswear. No ugly sweatpants for these people!

  2. These Victorian images on your post is a W O N D E R F U L series. I follow it with much anticipation...INSPIRING, DREAMY + ESCAPIST. My grandmothers trunks were also a small glimpse into that time. Her stories could be captions for some of these images..though not on the GRAND scale. As far as I can remember she cooked as if time had not gone by. Which entitles me to think I know what their food tastes like.
    Sometimes looking at this series of photographs I can recall some of her wonderful food. She was not a fussy or complicated person so, neither was her food but, she was specific about preparation and ingredients. What was delicate and simple to her...most people would not attack in a modern kitchen, ie. fresh fruit rolls from wild-picked berries. I know she would E N J O Y these pictures also. As you do.. she too had a great eye.
    Thank you.

  3. Those are so awesome! My wife enjoys browsing though old NYC photos and posts about them sometimes. I know she'll enjoy these.
